, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 We Discover Canada And Beyond: Cross Canada and Back, Part 53
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05 October 2013

Cross Canada and Back, Part 53

Drive down to Point Pelee, Ontario

Sunday 28th of August,  day 105

We broke camp at 8am and at 9:15 we were rolling west on the 401 from here in Milton / Campbellville toward Point Pelee National Park, just before Windsor, Ontario.

It took us about 3 1/2 hours to drive the 300 km. Around London the landscape became quite undulated and hilly. Further south it became very flat. Ontario's fruits and vegetables are grown down here in the south. The dairy, pig, and horse farms are big and look very good and well looked after.

Highway sign showing speeding fines.
Don't speed.

Flat landscape in Southern Ontario
Pretty flat in southern Ontario.
In Leamington ( just before Pt. Pelee Nat. Park) tons of wind-farms and greenhouses decorate the landscape.

Heinz Ketchup has a big plant here. Fields of tomatoes are everywhere.

Heinz Ketchup plant in Leamington.
Heinz Ketchup plant in Leamington.

Tomatoes by the truck load
Tomatoes by the truck load

We camped at Sturgeon Woods RV Park and marina just before Point Pelee National Park.

This is a huge place. Our assigned spot was very tight for our 5th wheel. But Anders backed up beautifully and parked it right in there. Everybody around us watched us backing in. We heard later that most campers made a mess out of the parking in this spot. One lady actually came over and said: "Never seen anyone back in there in one try". Oh well, we have had lots of practice.

The RV culture here was a little different. Everyone was very friendly, and everybody had an electric golf cart. But the golf cart they did not use to go and play golf, they used it to go for a walk. The funniest thing we saw was a very large guy with even a larger German Sheppard dog going for a "walk" on the golf cart.

Some of the trailers and motor homes were decorated with twinkling artificial palm trees. This park was very well run and organized. All the people in the park were very friendly and always ready for a chat. Many of them actually live very close by in the neighbouring towns. The RVs here are their summer homes.

For pictures of more tomatoes and a lot of other stuff, go to our web album.

Here are some shortcuts to all the blogs from our Cross Canada Trip. Just hover over the number to see where it will take you

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11,   12,  13,  14,  15,  16,  17,  18,  19,  20

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30,   31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,

40,   41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,

50,   51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,

60,   61,  62,  63,  64,  65.


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