, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 We Discover Canada And Beyond: Cross Canada and Back, Part 46
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02 October 2013

Cross Canada and Back, Part 46

Ontario Here We Come - Upper Canada Village

August 19th 2011, day 96

We headed west out of our Montreal West KOA. At the border of leaving the province of Québec and entering Ontario, Anders gave himself a high-five, no more signs of: Traveaux". He can now understand street signs and people again.

On HWY 401 just before Morrisburg we visited the "Upper Canada Village Discovery Centre".This historic village was put together, mainly with buildings from this frontier area, buildings which otherwise wood have been flooded when they created the St.Lawrence Seaway ( officially opened in 1959 ) .More information on the seaway:

Women making bread at Upper Canada Village
Women making bread at Upper Canada Village

Garden at Upper Canada Village
Garden at Upper Canada Village
This open air museum is manned in the summer by actors in traditional costumes. The week we visited, they even had young students ( 11-14 years old ) in costumes learning all kinds of old fashioned things, like feeding the pics, making bread, etc.... More information:

We also observed a cheese maker, making fresh Cheddar Cheese. When making the cheese, the temperature of the milk has to be maintained at around 102 degrees Fahrenheit. The curds separate from the whey. The whey is fed to the pics afterwards, yum.  The curds are then cut again and salt is added.
Master Cheese Maker
Master Cheese Maker

Has to be stirred all the time and at constant temperature.
Has to be stirred all the time and at constant temperature.

Here are some curds.
Here are some curds.

Canada, under English instructions, had to add the yellow colour ( actually it is a red, all natural dye called Annatto ), so that the imported Cheddar from Canada could be differentiated from the domestic British one. The fresh cheese then has to age, at least 6 months for "Medium", and for "Old" much longer.

We could not resist. In the village store, we bought two fresh loaves of bread ( it was still warm and steaming), and some fresh cheese curds. One could spend a whole day at this village with all the interesting buildings, and old crafts, and labour being re-enacted.

We decided to go back to our RV and find some cold cuts and cheese to eat with the fabulous fresh bread. And of course some red wine.

We are staying a few days near Gananoque at KOA 1000 Islands / Ivy Lea, 514 1000 Island Pkwy, Lansdowne, Ontario K0E 1L0, Canada. This is a very nice RV park ( just a bit on the expensive side), everybody is very friendly.

More pictures from this part of the trip on our web album.

Here are some shortcuts to all the blogs from our Cross Canada Trip. Just hover over the number to see where it will take you

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30,   31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,

40,   41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,

50,   51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,

60,   61,  62,  63,  64,  65.


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