Drive From Fort Nelson, Dawson Creek, to Our Home on Cortes Island, BC.
Anders and Liz in Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada. |
Driving south from Fort Nelson |
Peace River |
If you want to start from the begining of this trip go to part one.
We are crossing Peace River in British Columbia |
It was the 16th of August 2014 and we were making a quick stop in Fort Nelson to pick up some more drinking water, and then we were on the road again.
The roads were in very good conditions, but the drive along here is rather boring.
Some hills in the distance and then the scenery changed. South of Fort St. John the bridge and valley of the mighty Peace River is very impressive.
As we came closer to Dawson Creek the smoke from the forest fires became very strong and annoying.
We checked in at Northern Lights RV Park, about a mile outside Dawson Creek. It is well run, not spectacular but OK.
After we set up camp we went back in to town again.
Liz went to the Dawson Creek info center and watched the movie about the construction of the Alaska Highway. Amazing
I went to the closest car wash and gave the truck a good wash.
Back in camp we tossed some burgers on the BBQ and had a glass of wine. Life was good.
Dawson Creek to Lac La Hache
Camp set up at Lac La Hache Provinical Park. Wonderful. |
In the morning of the 17th of August, Liz and I had a "Pow Wow" and came to the conclusion that the smoke from all the forest fires were not going to go away anytime soon. It was time to go away from this polution.
The northern Rockies are beautiful, but not in smoke. It was time to go south, in the direction of home.
We got on the road and the smoke just got worse and worse. Getting closer to Lac la Hache Provincial park the smoke seemed to ease a bit, and we set up camp in this beautiful park.
Lac la Hache |
Liz at Lac la Hache |
We went for a nice long walk down to the lake. After we had a nice camp fire, might as well make some more smoke :)
That evening we savoured some of the smoked/dried salmon we were given earlier on our trip at the Teslin Native Centre.
The rear differential seal on our truck was leaking, so I had to top it off with some oil. The cause of the leak was later fixed with the replacement of the back universal joint.
Lac La Hache to Fort Langley
On the 18th of August we woke up fairly early, after we both had a really good night's sleep, even though the smoke became much worse over night.
I was not very comfortable with the problem with the u-joint and the leaking seal.
Getting closer to the West Coast |
We arrived OK in Fort Langley and stayed at the Fort Camping park. This is a pretty good campground we had stayed here several times in the past.
Capilano RV Park. |
Anders and our Grand Daughter Isla, both sound asleep. |
The next day we took it easy. In the morning we had brunch in Fort Lanfley before our drive over to Capilano RV Park right by the Lions Gate Bridge in North Vancouver.
This is a really nice park, the sites are a bit tight, but all in all very good. It is super convenient to downtown Vancouver.
On the 20th of August we picked up our daughter Jenny and our two grand kids, Amber and Isla. Jenny, Josh and the children live in Vancouver.
We brought them back to the RV park and enjoyed the day at the swimming pool. So much fun.
Josh, Jenny's husband joined us for supper that evening after he got off work. It was nice to be with family again.
On the 21st we lazed around in the morning. Then we went shopping in the nearby Park Royal Plaza. Back at the trailer, our good friend Charlie came over for lunch. We enjoyed great food, wine and friends. Charlie's wife Judy had just left for a trip out East, too bad.
Victoria and Home to Cortes Island
On the 22nd of August we took the 11 am ferry over to Victoria and checked in at West Bay Marina and RV Park. This is the park we stay at all the time when in Victoria. From this park you can walk right downtown Victoria. The setting is beautiful. Make sure to make a reservation if you plan to stay here!
In Victoria we were happy to see the rest of our family, our son Mark with his wife Lisa and the grand kids Sarah and Ryan, and our daughter Linda and her boyfriend Mathew. Wonderful to see them all again.
Camped at the West Bay Marina in Victoria. Fantastic views. |
We stayed in Victoria for three days. We needed to do a few chores. Liz applied for a new passport. We also both needed a haircut badly.
On the 26th we drove up to Comox and stayed at
Cape Lazo campground, a very nice completely re-done campground. It is a beautiful spot.
On the 27th we had an appointment in Campbell River to fix the issue with the truck.
Then it was time to take the two ferry rides home to Cortes Island.
Views from our Dining room on Cortes Island |
What a trip this was. We almost clocked 15,000 km and enjoyed every single one of them. This country of ours is so incredible and so beautiful. We have now visited every province and every territory except Nunavut. We will keep that on the bucket list.
More pictures from this part of the trip
right here in the clouds.
Start over with post number one>>> in this series.
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11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
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41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,