, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 We Discover Canada And Beyond: The Little Things, Make The RV Life Easy
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18 June 2014

The Little Things, Make The RV Life Easy

Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.

There are a lot of little things that many of us create to make the RV more comfortable and easier to work with.

Here are some of the things we have done:

Motion Sensor light in cupboard
Motion sensor lights in the cupboards.

This is so nice! It is a must, we have even put some in our house is some of the places that did not have any lights.

An RV often has small deep storage places that are hard to get to. Installing one of these lights, and being able to see, makes such a difference. 

Here is a tip; attach the light vertically with industrial (from Canadian Tire) Velcro on the wall of the cabinet, it will stay in place on rough roads ( the Velcro provided with the lights are not substantial enough!).

Coat Rack

You would think that this is a no brainer. Very few RVs have coat racks where you can hang your coat, hat, scarf..... 

You just can't have too many of them. Another tip: be careful when attaching the rack, especially on outside walls, if the screw is too long guess what????? Right, you will be swearing for a while, I talk from experience, not funny!

Key Rack
Key Rack

Shoe Rack

This is also something so easy but saves so much time and frustration. Have it close to the door and you will always remember to hang your keys there when you enter the RV. 

Tip: have two set of keys of everything, one for your co-pilot and one for you. Having two identical sets make life so much easier.

Shoe Rack

Tidy and so convenient: as you are aware, all the shoes always pile up at the front door. 

Pick up a narrow shoe rack from IKEA and screw it to the floor. 

This is a super investment. It adds some weight, but is well worth it. No more stumbling over a bunch of shoes. Again, be careful if you attach it to the outside wall.

Attach a light with industrial Velcro

Use some Velcro

There are so many uses for Velcro. 
We have a free standing light at the rear of the trailer that is attache to the desk with Velcro. 

My alarm clock by the bed is attached with Velcro. The mug that holds the tooth brushes in the bathroom is attached with Velcro to the wall. 

Indoor cell phone booster antenna is attached this way and the list goes on. I'm sure you can think of many more.

Hanging Organizer.
Separate tools attached to RV wall in storage.

Storage rack for canned goods.

I think this actually is designed for ladies shoes. This organizer that fits in the closet is super for storing t-shirts, undies etc.

Separate RV set of Tools.

I got tired of always moving tools around. With the limited space I decided to have a permanent set of tools for the RV, the problem was to have things handy. What we came up with, was to attach hooks on the walls in the storage compartment and hang the tools there. Works fantastic.

Less strain on your RV coupler with this elbow

Storage Racks for Canned Goods.

As we all know, space is limited in the RV. Find a storage compartment with an accessible wall to add some wire racks or canned goods. Keep in mind canned goods are heavy.

The Water Hose - Coil Retractable

For exactly two years I was fighting with the unruly water hose. When it was a bit cold, it was so hard to work with and coil up. Solution: get a "coil retractable" water hose. Just make sure it is good for drinking water. A 50 ft. hose is dead easy to handle. 

At the same time make sure to
Coil Retractable water house with pressure valve
and 90 degree elbow with shut off valve.
have a pressure reducing valve and a 90 degree elbow with a shut off valve on it. It is easy to handle, and when storing it, attach end to end so no bugs or dirt gets in. 

If you can not find the hose in an RV store, try a marine store.

Solar Night Light in Bathroom

RV Solar Night Light installed in Bathroom Sky Lite
RV Solar Night Light installed in Bathroom Sky Lite

Adding a solar night light in the bathroom is very easy and your partner will thank you for it. It will only take you about one hour and cost you $1.00. 

I have separate post on how I installed the solar night light. Anyone can do it.

These are just some of the things that we have found helpful and makes the RV life easier. 

We have some more pictures in the clouds, have a look.


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