, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 We Discover Canada And Beyond: Cross Canada and Back, Part 33
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03 July 2012

Cross Canada and Back, Part 33

Éole Wind Turbine in Cap-Chat and Gaspé Provincial Park, Québec.

It is the 31st of July 2011 and day 77 of our cross Canada trip. The plan for the day is to go and visit the Éole, the worlds tallest vertical-axis wind turbine, located close to Cap-Chat. The province of Québec has a lot of wind turbines and produces most of its own power from water and wind. For more information on the Province of Québec, have a look at our website

View Cap-Chat and Gaspé Provincial Park, Québec Canada in a larger map

The tour of the Éole is very interesting and informative. The Éole is no longer in operation since the early 90's. It was originally a research project. The wind turbine was operational for some time but the maintenance costs became prohibitive.

Liz at Cap-Chat Wind farm

Anders in front of Éole, the worlds tallest vertical-axis wind turbine
As it is, it is a white elephant and a tourist attraction, but Québec learned a lot, they now have the expertise to build and improve their own smaller wind turbines. 


Inside, under Éole.... it's massive.
At the beginning of the project all parts came from Europe. Now Québec makes most of the parts themselves and export the expertise and know-how. The company that runs the Cap-Chat wind farm sells the power to Hydro Québec.

Cap-Chat wind farm

Cap-Chat wind farm

After lunch the plan is to head in-land on highway 299 to Gaspé Provincial Park or Parc National de la Gaspésie, located in the heart of the Gaspé Peninsula. The park is 802 km² with plenty of things to do. Very beautiful with rolling treed hills.

On our way to  Gaspé Provincial Park

Nature show.
The visitor center is great, including the restaurant. Here you can rent cabins, hotel rooms and complete tents. 

Liz at the Visitor Center
We hiked in to "Lac aux Américains", a three km hike. Wonderful scenery with trout in the rivers. Next time we will spend more time here for sure

Liz hiking in to Lac aux Américains

Liz at  Lac aux Américains

Anders at  Lac aux Américains

Lake trout

Lake trout

Lake trout

For more pictures from this part of our trip, click on the picture below or go directly to the slide-show here

éole windturbine & Gaspé Prov. Park, QC


Anders and Liz

Here are some shortcuts to all the blogs from our Cross Canada Trip. Just hover over the number to see where it will take you

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40,   41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,

50,   51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,

60,   61,  62,  63,  64,  65.


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