, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 We Discover Canada And Beyond: Baja Mexico Trip 2015-2016. Part 4. Kids Visiting us on Coyote Beach
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13 February 2016

Baja Mexico Trip 2015-2016. Part 4. Kids Visiting us on Coyote Beach

Coyote Beach With Family

Sunrise on Coyote Beach, BCS. Mexico.
Sunrise on Coyote Beach, BCS. Mexico.
Mark having a rest while Ryan, Lisa and Sarah is out on the water. Coyote Beach, BCS. MX
Mark having a rest while Ryan, Lisa and Sarah are out on the water.
It is the middle of November 2015, We have been on Coyote Beach for about a week.

Some of our kids and grand-kids came for a visit.

There are several connecting flights to the town of Loreto about two hours drive south of Coyote Beach.

It is time to go fishing on the Sea of Cortez in the Bay of Conception. Leaving Coyote Beach
It is time to go fishing on the Sea of Cortez in the Bay of Conception.
The ice cream truck arrives on Coyote Beach. This is not to be missed.
The ice cream truck arrives on Coyote Beach. This is not to be missed.
Loreto is a nice little town with about 15,000 people and was founded in 1697.

It is always so nice when family can come and visit us where ever we travelled to.

This time our son Mark with his wife Lisa and children Sarah and Ryan came for a week's visit.

Mama getting a hug from her son. Coyote Beach in the back drop.
Mama Liz getting a hug from her son Mark. Coyote Beach in the back drop.
Rush hour on Coyote Beach, BCS, MX.
Rush hour on Coyote Beach.
Coyote Beach in November is beautiful and the swimming is great.

The kids and grand-kids really enjoyed their time.

One of our neighbours came over with his small catamaran sail boat and paddle board.

Well, the kids loved it.

Lynne, Dave, Mark and Lisa just chilling.
Lynne, Dave, Mark and Lisa just chilling. Lynne and Dave are Lisa's parents.
Mark, Lisa and Liz on a morning walk. Baja Mexico
Mark, Lisa and Liz on a morning walk.
Unfortunately they all got a bit of a flue, and it did put a bid of a dampener on things.

We did manage to go for some really good hikes, and have some wonderful dinners on the beach.

A week goes way too fast, two weeks is a must. But anytime together with the family is great.

Panorama of Coyote Beach, BCS. MX
Panorama of Coyote Beach, BCS. MX

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