, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 We Discover Canada And Beyond: Golden, British Columbia to Jasper, Alberta
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09 October 2010

Golden, British Columbia to Jasper, Alberta

British Columbia to Alberta

The second leg of our trip was from Golden, BC. to Jasper, AB.

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From Golden we headed out early morning and had a beautiful mist over the meadows. We arrived in Field and walked around town and Liz managed to find a pottery shop. Oh well, it keeps the economy going.

We stop in Field, Yoho National Park

Little Church in Field

Anders in search of a Latte

We then went and checked out the camp grounds and there was not any with power, so we decided to head up to Emerald Lake and do a hike and then motor towards Jasper on the Ice Field Parkway (it was pretty rough, more on this later.

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Emerald Lake is even more beautiful then Lake Louise.

The trailer got a good shakedown on the Ice Field Parkway. To say the least the road was pretty rough and some big un-marked bumps. One broken wine bottle, several plates and cups later we learned that things have to be packed and stashed well.

Arrived in Jasper and to our surprise all the full service campsites were all taken, but we at least got power. Just minutes after we got set up, the rain started and it just poured all night.

Lots of pictures in our Picasa Album West Coast to the Prairie

Cheers, Liz and Anders

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