, pub-1183232341631896, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 We Discover Canada And Beyond: Last Day On The Mountain
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04 March 2008

Last Day On The Mountain

What a fantastic day we had today. Not a cloud in the sky and about -2C. It was one of those days when you don't want to stop skiing.

It looks like I'm back on skis again after snowboarding for 6 years. During this week I have snow boarded twice. I rented some new Demo skis and boots and it is amazing how good equipment helps. Check out more pictures and movie clips below.

Tomorrow we go home again after a week up here. We hear the cherry blossom is in full bloom in Victoria. Going away for a week this time of year and there can be dramatic changes in flowers blooming. We will take our time driving home doing some sightsing and maybe looking at some trucks & boats.

Till next time....

Liz and Anders


  1. look at you... spinning in circles on those skis! crazy man!

  2. awesome pics :). The second clip didn't work though...

  3. Two good looking skiers. Anders what happened to the snowboard?
